Enrolment Information


Have you a child who is due to start school in September 2024 or in the next few years?

We would love for you to come and join us in Bruckless N.S.

Why choose us?

⭐️Small classes mean more direct and individual teaching time.

⭐️Multi grade classes invite a preparatory and revisionary aspect to learning.

⭐️Smaller numbers encourage deeper friendships across all age groups promoting a family atmosphere and greater sense of belonging.

⭐️We use Thematic Approach to Teaching (Cross Curricular Integration). This means that specific themes are taught and integrated across as many subjects as possible ensuring immersion in a theme. E.g if teaching World War 2 in History, parachutes would be covered in Science, and a country involved would be covered in Geography, diary entries or letters would be completed in both English and Irish. 

⭐️ Writing genre per month; we focus on one writing genre per month with 1 week revision of each genre in May and June. These genres are: Recount, Report, Procedure, Narrative, Explanation, Persuasive, & Poetry. In so far as possible these genres are covered in Irish lessons also. 

⭐️Significant investment in ICT equipment with a comprehensive Digital Learning Plan to focus on Digital Learning and Digital Literacy. Laptops and tablets are used to complement learning and project work. 

⭐️ Both our classrooms have a SMART Board Interactive Display TV. 

⭐️Indivisualised spelling programmes for each pupil to progress through the spelling levels attaining their full potential. 

⭐️We participate in handball, indoor hurling, basketball, football, gaelic football, chess and athletics.

⭐️ External visiting coaches share their expertise with our pupils forging local links in our community. 

⭐️ Active Breaks ran by our Active School Committee ensuring all pupils are active, engaged and included during breaks. 

⭐️Early drop off facilitation. Extra morning supervision for children from 8:30.

⭐️All students enjoy a free healthy snack and hot meal at break times.

⭐️Our Student Council (Comhairle na nDaltaí) ensures the voice of our pupils is heard.

⭐️Our Amber Flag is recognition of our work in student well being and mindfulness.

⭐️ Weekly tin whistle lessons with external music teacher.

⭐️ We participate in the Blast Arts project which involves a professional artist delivering a programme of lessons.

⭐️ We partake in the Say Yes To Languages programme learning a new language with an external tutor.  

⭐️ We are part of the Creative Schools Programme. This is a two year programme where art and design projects / activity is pupil led along with help and advice from our professional Art Consultant.

⭐️ We use classdojo for home school communication and links to keep you up to date with classroom activities, events and work. 


Enrolment Form PDF

Admission Policy

Online Enrolment Form


Should you require a form, admissions policy or copy of the School Information Handbook please call to the school and collect one. Alternatively, give us a call on 074 97 37366 or email brucklessnationalschool@gmail.com and we can post one out to you.